Wednesday 17 October 2012

How to Improve Performance of web site.

Hi friends,

In this article I will tell you how to improve performance of our website. There is very small setting but it improves huge performance.

In the web.config file you can do the following setting

1) Set debug=false under compilation as follows:

<compilation default Language="c#" debug="false">

2) Use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect.

3) Always check Page.IsValid when using Validator Controls

4) Use Foreach loop instead of For loop for String Iteration.

5) Use Client-Side Validation. (but not all the time you have to validate even on the server side)

6) Check “Page.IsPostBack”. To avoid repetition code execution.

7) GIF and PNG are similar, but PNG typically produces a lower file size. (True, but some browsers not supporting PNG format)

8) Use the AppOffline.htm when updating binaries

9) Turn off Tracing unless until required. (by default it's off, use on the pages where it's required)

<trace enabled="false" requestLimit="10" pageOutput="false" traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true"/>

 Some times after doing this setting also ASP.NET Page is very slow. What will you do to make it fast?   

1. Find out which is slow, is it the application or the database : If the page is executing SQL queries or stored procedures, run those on the database and check how long do they take to run. If the queries are taking most of the time, then you know you have to tune the queries for better performance. To tune the queries, there are several ways and I have listed some of them below.
   a) Check if there are indexes to help the query
   b) Select only the required columns, avoid   Select *.
   c) Check if there is a possibility to reduce the number of joins
   d) If possible use NO LOCK on your select statements
   e) Check if there are cursors and if you can replace them with joins

2. If the queries are running fast, then we know it is the application code that is causing the slowness. Isolate the page event that is causing the issue by turning tracing on. To turn tracing on, set Trace="true" in the page directive. Once you have tracing turned on you should see trace information at the bottom of the page as shown in the image below. In this case Page Load event is taking the maximum time. So we know, the code in Page_Load event is causing the issue. Once you look at the code, you should be able to nail down the issue.

  Happy Programming ! !

If you have any query mail me to     


Sujeet Bhujbal


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