Monday, 25 May 2015

Crystal report shows a blank page in and Visual Studio 2012

Crystal report shows a blank page in and Visual Studio 2012

 Hi Friends,

In my last project I was working on a one crystal report project and I am too much frustrated with crystal report with Visual Studio 2012.  When I run my report. It displays a vacant page in a Browser,instead of a report. . Sometimes web page shows blank page although it is consist of Crystal report viewer.
Cause of Problem
  • Using client tools (debug window of your browser) or server tool (IIS log) you will find that some files (crv.js , style.css ) are not served;
  • these files are placed by CR installer in wwwroot\aspnet_client folder but they cannot be reached;
  • If you installed your application in a website different from Default WebSiteaspnet_clientfolder is not placed inside that website
The solution is to work on IIS this way:
  • Copy aspnet_client folder from c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder to the new website root folder.

  • Create a virtual directory called aspnet_client that points to c:\inetpub\wwwroot inside the new website

Happy Programming!!
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Sujeet Bhujbal