The exams is (as one might expect) quite heavy on security related questions; so you might want to investigate CardSpace and SAML-tokens beforehand.
The exam is 43 questions and running for 140 minutes. To my great surprise, no questions related to netTcpBinding; which is a binding that I use almost exclusively in production systems, but all bindings in the exam revolved around the more “traditional” webservice bindings like basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding. A question on Federation was also present. In addition – you should investigate how impersonation/delegation is working out of the box with WCF.
But – basically do know your “ABC” of WCF (Address-Binding-Contract) and get to know the XML-schema for configuring a WCF service. There are a lot of configuration questions with “select the appropriate configuration for a service that supports these requirements…”.
I have so many dumps for 70503 Exam.. But first study from Microsoft Study material then give the exam
If you want a study material mail me
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